Items Needed @ Your Library

Books, magazines, DVDs, and CDs are accepted at any time. They will be sorted into the library collection, stored for the next booksale or recycled if in poor condition.

After School Snacks are distributed to children Mondays through Fridays from 2:30-5 pm.  Any packaged snacks or donations are gratefully accepted at the Children's Desk!

The NB Library participates in the Community Cash program at Great Scot Community Markets. Please save your register tapes from purchases and drop off in the basket at the Library's Main Desk.

If you have bubble wrap or used padded envelopes that you would otherwise throw away, we would be extremely grateful if you would drop these items off at the front desk for packaging our Interlibrary loans! 

We also pass out plastic grocery bags to carry books home in. We appreciate if you have any extra to share with us!

Have something you think the library might be interested in? Just ask!
