Borrowers' Guide to the Library
Creative Collection items
Browse through the non-book items that the library offers in our Creative Collection. Click on each item to see a picture, description of what is included and length of check-out. Patrons must be 16 or older to check out creative collection items.
Wolfe Community Room
Occupancy 85 people
1368 Square Feet
Community Room Dimensions:
Total area (including stage) - 38 feet by 35 plus feet/Stage almost 32 feet by 9 feet deep
Ceiling height - Stage - 9 feet/Floor - 9 1/2 feet
Current List of Memorials and Donations
North Baltimore Public Library Memorials
July - October 2024
41 uses for a grandma
In Memory of: Dolores Bucher
Given by: The Uhlenhake Family
Grandma loves you because you're you [board book]
In Memory of: Julie (Tietje) Kretz
Given by: Zel & Ken Uhlenhake
Thank you, God, for Grandma [board book]
In Memory of: Dolores Bucher
Given by: The Uhlenhake Family
Memorials Policy & Form
The library's Memorial and Honor program is a wonderful
Kids: 1-5 years
Our Preschool Story Time is for children 1-5 with a caregiver.
Story time is Tuesdays @ 11 am
We structure our story time around a weekly theme and include, songs, dancing, fingerplays, books, stories and activities.
Kids: Kindergarten - 4th grade
Our School Age Activities are for children in grades Kindergarten - 4th.
Wednesdays @ 3 pm - 3:45 pm
We have fun weekly activities. See below for dates and details.